Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Two Superwomen and We Didn't Crack Into the Executive Branch!

How is it that we had two amazing candidates like Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin and we still missed the opportunity at the Executive Branch: the Presidency at our easy grasp and the Vice-Presidency as a long shot, respectively. Ladies we need to get a grasp at our reality and embrace our own diversity! There are all types of women: single parents, working women, working mothers, volunteering women, homemakers,and those who do all of the above. We have to support our own female diversity and accept that, especially in America, we have the freedom to educate ourselves, use that education and/or just have the education to apply to the upbringing of the next generation. Women's lives go through seasons and we have a role in the family and in the community that men cannot cover. We are created to be able to handle more, be intuitive, creative, compassionate, empathetic, and yes nurturing caretakers to our children, husbands or our elder parents. Female Diversity - Grasp it , accept it, embrace it, but don't insult our sisters who do or don't do any of the above.

Our second issue that derailed our cohesiveness and continues to do so, I believe, is a red-herring that we have been lead to believe as the litmus test for women issues, when in reality it should no longer be such. The critical issues for women is our Children - their education, their safety at home and in the military, sexual assaults and domestic violence; Health issues - pandemics, chronic illnesses; Economic issues that affect our families - jobs, interest rates, cost of living, financial security, investments. Why are we still stuck on abortion as the litmus test that divides our collective strength?

Can we instead push to educate our children, young women and ourselves to be smart and responsible for our bodies and respect ourselves and respect the fundamentals of intimacy which are love and commitment? Can we teach our girls as our grandparents and parents did to "Say No" or to "Say Stop", as the consequences are many: AIDs, STDs, Pregnancy, not to mention the broken heart, broken spirit, and broken reputation? Can we request or insist partners to use condoms? Can we use abstention, rhythm, basal thermometers, ovulation test kits, the pill, IUDs, etc? Can we promote adoption rather than abortion? Can we focus on the emotional and health issues that surround the complex area of unwanted pregnancy, rather than look to abortion as the solution. If we do not get over this - each time we get close to the Executive Branch this Red-Herring issue will be thrown out there as a fish to distract us into our cat-fight on this issue.

We are smart American women! Let us not have this issue deter us from the so many other issues that we have about how our country is being run and the impact that taxes, economy, political and corporate fraud,foreign policy and defense strategies affect our families. Let us be cohesive and embrace strong women, like Hillary and Palin, who can be political leaders, have a supportive partner, raise children and have the courage and perseverance to impact change that is non-partisan, and just old-fashioned pioneering patriotic! If the main political parties throw you under the bus ladies (as both the democratic and republican party did to both of these amazing and powerful women), then go independent, and sisters lets "crack the ceiling" and "go rougue" by WINNING THE WHITE HOUSE!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Moment of Silence

Fort Hood, Texas and the families of our heroic soldiers - our prayers are with you! May Christ's comfort be with you, and his mercy and grace surround your families at this time of loss.

I pray for our leaders to gain your wisdom, Lord, and our country to join together with strength in unity and faith. I also pray for our enemies, so that their thoughts may be changed for good by the power of our Lord; and that their evil plans be thwarted and they become impotent and unable to hurt anyone.

Protect us Lord! Amen!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Should I get my CPA?

I have recently been looking for a Controller, Chief Financial Officer or Director of Finance position. I had two close opportunities. Both companies decided after three interviews to not fill the position, but rather wait (I imagine for the economy to show stronger signs of recovery). Looking at the jobs available in the accounting arena, they seem to all require a CPA. Even private companies that don't have the SEC reporting requirements or SOX requirements are asking for a CPA. I am a managerial accountant, I have over 20 years of business experience in accounting and finance. My problem is that it is all pre-Enron, pre-Sarbanne-Oxley. Perhaps, that was when people understood their Fiduciary duties and had decency, ethics and honesty!

I have many friends that are CPA's. Yet, many do not get involved in management or consultative accounting, or work creatively to design changes to processes. They record the transactions, certify the financial statements and/or prepare the tax returns. I asked a friend, who is a CPA, whether I should go back to school or take on-line courses and testing to get the CPA. She advised that most likely, if they are looking for a CPA, it still will not be enough. She said the next hurdle presented in the job requirement is that the candidate have Big Four experience.
Remember when there was the Big Eight? Then, there was the Big Four, so just trend that!

What did the Big Four do to preserve the economy, to protect stockholders from the Maddoffs of the world or from the golden parachutes, huge compensation packages and outrageous bonus compensation plans? Why are all these big firms, the auto industry, the housing industry, the mortgage industry all belly up. Where were the Big Four to advise them? Where were the regulators from the SEC? Where were the internal and external auditors and the SOX implementers? What good did all the CPA's do to help these companies? Frankly, if the CPA has been put into a square box to do taxes and audits and forensic accounting, it's not my cup of tea. I am too creative for that. I think I answered my own question, but your input is greatly appreciated!

What Happened to the Friendly Local Bank?

My seventy-two year old mother received a call the other day from Chase Bank, previously Washington Mutual. The gentleman tells her that she "forgot" her drivers license at the bank when she cashed a check. She has a checking account and a savings account and a CD at the bank, but doesn't believe in the ATM card, so she has to show a license there even though she has been banking there for years. Prior to Wamu, it used to be Home Federal Bank where she even worked as a loan officer, so she knew some of the people that stayed over with Wamu. It was funny to me that they called and said she forgot her license, when the reality is that the teller "neglected" to return the license to her at the end of their transaction.

So my mother says to me, since I don't have my driver's license with me, will you go and pick it up for me? I updated my mother on current security issues that the bank cannot release her license to me, so I'll be glad to drive her over. She says, "That's crazy, just go and ask for Wanda, the assistant manager, she knows me and she can call me if she needs to. "Mom Banks have changed!" She insisted, so I went. Wanda from Wamu was too busy, as this was the first day of the new Chase software. The teller called my mother at my request and reaffirmed to her that due to security reasons, she can't release the license to me. The new realities!

My 21 year old daughter, had a birthday check my sister gave her drawn against Wamu, now Chase. She goes to cash her check at Chase. I have an account there, so does my husband and my mom. They said to her, because she doesn't have an account there, they withhold $6 from her $60 check. That's 10%! She went over her account at Wells Fargo by two dollars when she bought a pizza, and they charged her $30 for being over by $2. Isn't that a bit outrageous, like highway robbery!

Is there a friendly bank out there? Perhaps, we need to go to credit unions? Please let me know if you love your bank. I have tried - Union, Wamu now Chase, Wachovia now Wells Fargo (too bad); I used to be with First Interstate that Wells Fargo took over a while back and service went down the drain while fees went up and up! Union bank if you link your savings account to your checking as an overdraft protection if they transfer dollars from your own savings, they charge a $7 transaction fee.

I recently opened an account at Bank of America, and I quite like their save the change program where they match up to the first $250. Citibank is good because they don't let you process a debit transaction if it makes you go over. The problem with them is if you do overdraw, they freeze your account even if you made a recent deposit, and they don't call you to tell you. They just bounce your transactions because your account is frozen until you figure it out and call them to unfreeze. It takes 48 hours to unfreeze.

Share you crazy bank stories, and let readers know if there are any that you really like, share a story where they recently provided good service.

Did Allah ask you to do this?

Why would Allah, the creator of all things,the embodiment of all that is good and all that is love, ask someone to do a horrific act? That beautiful young lady who was driven over by her own father who, in his own demented mind, was doing an honor killing. I ask him, in whose honor did you kill your own daughter? In honor of God? In honor of your daughter? No, honor killings are selfish, prideful,unjustifiable murders of young women. It is the neanderthal domineering male justifying controling, self-inflating, testesterone ego-driven fatal abuse of helpless women. Those who contemplate, think, plan or actually take action or even condone or justify this barbaric act, you have all dishonored your family and Allah by the dishonorable killing of your daughters. Your daughters, as all human beings, belong to God. Once you have given birth to them, and raised them,they are free to choose. It is their life to live in the manner which pleases them and their faith, not your life and not your faith. You came to America for freedom and a better life. Now that your daughters are free to choose, you snuff out life from them? Imagine how she could have been of service to humanity, created a family of her own, and perhaps cared for you in your old age because of the love you showed her in her youth. But you snuffed all that out, how pitiful and sad! To come to the land of freedom, that the world aspires as the beacon of hope, seeing Lady Liberty, where Christians, Jews, Moslems, Budhists, Hindus and other religions and even Athiests can live together in peace, and you choose to kill your own daughters! Honor killing is not of Allah; that is Satan at work. Love your daughters, teach them faith by your love, and let them choose. They may stray, but keep praying and they will return to be close to you and God.

Why is Letterman still on the air?

I heard that George Lopez is having a party at 11:00 late night. So is Conan; and of course there's true blue Jay at 10:00! So, who needs Letterman? After the affront that he has continuously displayed in disrespecting women on his show, both the guests and now more recently his own co-workers, what is he still doing on the air? What happened to sexual harassment laws? What happened to a safe workplace? Taking a quick look at Letterman, as that is about all this blogger can handle without vomiting...he's not God's gift to women!..not a Richard Gear, or a George Clooney, or a Denzel Washington, or a Tom Cruise. So what made these seemingly intelligent women give up virtues to be with this average looking, over-the-hill, married man?

If it wasn't his looks or his physique, then it perhaps was his money or his power. I would imagine women working around Letterman would be paid well by the network. I would also imagine that they wouldn't be the sort to prostitute themselves for the money, I would venture to say it was his power or prowess over them.
How many of these women succumbed to him out of a possibility of favor, or out of fear of repercussion? Perhaps fear of losing their job, harrassment, demotion, or passed up for a promotion; or favor such as an increase in salary or a promotion or passed over a reduction in workforce? Did anyone say NO to his overtures and what happened to the ones who said NO?

Or maybe it was just network fun! Screw with the star and be counted as part of the Letterman harem where you can proudly wear the Letterman logo of the Scarlett Letter A for Adultery, or H for Home-recker, or W, S or C and you can fill the rest out! It's appalling! Why is his degradation of women, (even his own wife, which is their personal business as was Hillary and Bill and other public figures which I will not list), still upheld and applauded? Where is the National Organization of whatever they are today when this kind of sleazy, demoralizing stuff happens? Women of America, we can't let these types of incidents to go unnoticed, without consequence, how can he continue on the air with his continuous degradation of women or young girls (in the case of Palin's daughters)? I say we join the party at the Lopez channel or Conan's or Jay Leno! Let's Change the Channel and Clean up ladies! Share this blog and your thoughts!


Simba: "Get off that computer already!"