Monday, November 9, 2009

Did Allah ask you to do this?

Why would Allah, the creator of all things,the embodiment of all that is good and all that is love, ask someone to do a horrific act? That beautiful young lady who was driven over by her own father who, in his own demented mind, was doing an honor killing. I ask him, in whose honor did you kill your own daughter? In honor of God? In honor of your daughter? No, honor killings are selfish, prideful,unjustifiable murders of young women. It is the neanderthal domineering male justifying controling, self-inflating, testesterone ego-driven fatal abuse of helpless women. Those who contemplate, think, plan or actually take action or even condone or justify this barbaric act, you have all dishonored your family and Allah by the dishonorable killing of your daughters. Your daughters, as all human beings, belong to God. Once you have given birth to them, and raised them,they are free to choose. It is their life to live in the manner which pleases them and their faith, not your life and not your faith. You came to America for freedom and a better life. Now that your daughters are free to choose, you snuff out life from them? Imagine how she could have been of service to humanity, created a family of her own, and perhaps cared for you in your old age because of the love you showed her in her youth. But you snuffed all that out, how pitiful and sad! To come to the land of freedom, that the world aspires as the beacon of hope, seeing Lady Liberty, where Christians, Jews, Moslems, Budhists, Hindus and other religions and even Athiests can live together in peace, and you choose to kill your own daughters! Honor killing is not of Allah; that is Satan at work. Love your daughters, teach them faith by your love, and let them choose. They may stray, but keep praying and they will return to be close to you and God.

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Simba: "Get off that computer already!"